Anti-Drug PSAs


As the centrepiece of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World’s current anti-drug programme, there are sixteen anti-drug public service announcements. These award-winning videos are based on real-life situations and expose the most commonly held myths about drugs.

The PSAs serve as powerful openers for drug education presentations, as well as the perfect introduction to the Foundation’s series of factual and compelling drug education booklets. This combination has proven to be an effective way to get students interested in learning the truth about drugs and, more importantly, gives them the information they need to make an informed decision to remain drug-free.

The series of PSAs can also be ordered on DVD for replay in schools, drug awareness information booths or large anti-drug assemblies and events. DVDs may also be used as part of community-wide drug awareness campaigns as in distributing the PSAs for airing to local network and cable stations, movie theatres, malls, sports arenas, train stations and airport terminals.

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