The Final Word


No matter the initial reason a person begins taking drugs, the end result is invariably the same—disaster. That’s where we can help.

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is the largest nongovernmental drug education and prevention campaign.

Overview of results:

  • More than 700 million people have been reached with The Truth About Drugs message, 491 million in the last twelve months alone, through print, TV, radio, billboards and hand distribution of The Truth About Drugs booklets.
  • The international Truth About Drugs campaign is active in 79 countries from Argentina to Zimbabwe, with 166 drug prevention groups in 130 cities worldwide.
  • Foundation for a Drug-Free World has partnered with seventy-eight governmental, law enforcement and educational agencies and institutions internationally.
  • Through events and pledge signings, the programme has promoted living drug-free to more than 3.3 million children internationally.

Find out what you can do to prevent yourself or someone you love from taking drugs.

Learn the truth about drugs.

Find out how to obtain a FREE Drug Information Kit or Educator’s Guide Materials.